
Welcome to Wilder Brook Farm, a flower and vegetable farm in western Massachusetts. Our 2019 season is underway!

This farm high on a hill in Charlemont, Massachusetts, was first settled in 1820. We started our sustainable CSA farm here in 1995. CSA stands for “community-supported agriculture”—and Wilder Brook Farm is a vibrant community. Tuesday pickups are a time to catch up with neighbors as well as gather produce. John and Kate are welcoming hosts.

We are currently closed to new share holders, but if you are interested in getting on our wait list, please contact us. Each week’s offering ALWAYS includes fresh flowers from Kate’s spectacular garden. We count 92 varieties of annuals. (We have lost count of the perennials!)

Members are encouraged to wander through the rows of herbs to gather parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, tarragon, thyme, and sage.

We sell our own eggs and maple syrup, as well as goat cheese from our neighbors. And we take orders for blueberries from the Benson Place in season.

Wilder Brook Farm involves its members by sponsoring pot-luck suppers several times during the growing season (roughly mid-June to mid-October). We also ask our members to work for a few hours each season on the farm. Work shifts vary according to the schedule and the abilities of the participant.

Here is a farm share from August, photographed by enthusiastic Wilder Brook Farm member Cara Hochhalter.

Here is our contact page.